Is it a full moon?  Have we been transported back to 1911? It might feel like that with some of the non-tech related headlines grabbing attention this week. They all seem to have one thing in common though, republicans.  It is just really too much to ignore, so it must be included in this weeks headlines. I will add that the opinions expressed here are my own.

Do you like weekends? Most people do. Except Wisconsin’s new Republican governor Scott Walker who wants to break unions. (Just a reminder that unions are why we have weekends and children are no longer day laborers — just sayin’).

Do you appreciate ‘Sesame Street’ and ‘Morning Edition’? Shows broadcast by the beloved National Public Media that republicans feel should no longer be national or funded. That includes PBS and NPR. ‘Sesame Street’, ‘This American Life’, ‘Which Way LA’, ‘All Things Considered‘, and some of the best unbiased reporting are at stake.

The internet is pretty cool. Log on, go anywhere, see anything, publish whatever. Net Neutrality insures this continues. Again, republicans are not fond of the FCC’s efforts to maintain a free internet highway. They feel that though the American people have already paid through tax dollars to lay the cable of the cable companies, that the cable companies should be able to charge more for the use of the internet and possible even control the content.

Woman’s rights have long since been secured and fought for. The leading non-profit providing basic medical services of all kinds to women who do not have healthcare, Planned Parenthood, is another American institution that republicans feel should no longer be funded. It is not just about abortions, which are in fact a small part of their operation. Besides, forcing women to have children guarantees they will make excellent parents and not end up on welfare; another program republicans would like to cut. Are we in 1911 in Iraq? No, I didn’t think so. I am starting to wonder though.

Remember after 9/11 when Americans watched the New York Stock Exchange open once more sending a message to the nation that America was back in business? The icon of American commerce, New York Stock Exchange, got sold this week to a German company. I am sure republicans had something to do with that too.

Republican or not, I have to believe that the majority of Americans whatever their party lines are have to wonder if this leadership truly represents what people want.


By Desdemona Bandini